Saturday, August 20, 2011

Read alouds for Aug 18 2011

The boy went to school & learned first four letters of the alphabet with treats for his animal friends to go with it. 
Being yourself is ok; you are good at somethings and not so good at others--that does not make you any less important.

Keep trying -- no matter what, you can get and do your dreams!

This was our very first read alouds together at New Stanley Elementary (KCK).  I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you!   Mr. G

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Using your brain, not always your muscles makes you the winner!

The contest: count to ten before the king's spear fell to the ground.  The winner:  had to be clever and figure out a way to count to ten quicker than the other animals.

You become a winner too, when you learn to use your brain to solve your problems with other students instead of your feet, fist, or hands!  Next time you are having problems with some other students--you be the smarter one by using your words to solve the problem.  You are smart enough to show everyone that you are the real winner!